(OLD-DO NOT USE)Love-A-Bull, Inc. - Adoption Application Form

Applicant Information

Please enter correctly as this is the main way we will contact you.
Please use the following format 248-555-1212

Additional Information

If you do not have a landlord, please type N/A.

Current Pet Information

Previous Pet Information

This refers to pets for which you have previously been responsible.

Adoption Information

If you are open to any of our dogs, please put "any".

If you previously marked "none", please put N/A.


Please Read Carefully

Dog care in our area can cost $1200 annually. This includes: annual vet care, parasite testing, monthly heart worm & flea preventative, dog food, miscellaneous equipment, boarding/kennel fees, grooming and other supplies. This does NOT include any injuries, or illnesses the dog may incur.

I understand that any bodily injury or property damage incurred from a rescue is my responsibility, and that I will not hold Love-A-Bull or any of its members responsible or liable. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Love-A-Bull, its agents, volunteers and Board members from any and all claims, lawsuits, injuries, or damages.

I understand that I am not allowed to give, sell or adopt out a dog in my care to anyone else without the written consent of Love-A-Bull’s Board of Directors. I understand that if I adopt this dog I will pay Love-A-Bull a non-refundable fee, which varies by dog, upon signing the adoption contract.

By signing below, I certify that the information provided on this application is true and I recognize that any misrepresentation of facts may result in losing adoption/foster privileges. I authorize investigation of all statements in this application and understand that veterinarians, landlords, and other humane agencies, etc. may be contacted. I further understand that the adoption of this pet may be delayed until this information can be verified.